
“十四五”妄想专题 保定校区 English

ab initio hadronic physics with basis light-front quantization?


【讲座问题】ab initio hadronic physics with basis light-front quantization 

【时  间】2024年3月12日下昼14:00-16:00

【地  点】线上:腾讯聚会:555-568-605



李阳,2010年本科结业于中国科学手艺大学 。2015年博士结业于爱荷华州立大学 。先后在爱荷华州立大学、威廉玛丽学院、中国科学院大学从事研究事情,任博士后、讲师 。2021年加入中国科学手艺大学任特任教授 。主要研究偏向为非微扰量子色动力学、强子结构和盘算物理 。曾获2014年国际光锥委员会(ILCAC)揭晓的Gary McCartor奖 。另见INSPIRE: https://inspirehep.net/authors/1413658   (Yang.Li.2)


Basis light-front quantization (BLFQ) is designed as a non-perturbative Hamiltonian approach to solving quantum chromodynamics (QCD) as a quantum many-body problem. In this talk, I will introduce the basic ideas of BLFQ and show how this method, starting from a semiclassical approximation to QCD, leads to a reasonable description of hadron spectrum and wave functions. The latter is used to compute observables including decay constants, elastic and transition form factors, parton distributions and amplitudes from high energy scattering. I will also mention the challenges and the emerging opportunities in BLFQ and related methods. 
